Did it occur to President Obama that Oscar López Rivera would show up at a parade months after his release?
A few days ago, police officers in New York City had to watch this travesty of a terrorist in a parade.
This is from New York Post:
Controversial one time convicted terror leader Oscar Lopez Rivera may have declined the Puerto Rican Day Parade’s “National Freedom Award,” but he was still at the head of the event Sunday – with the City Council speaker right by his side.Lopez Rivera – who did 35 years behind bars for his ties to the Puerto Rican terror group FALN – was on the first float out of the gate at the Manhattan parade, and speaker pal Melissa Mark-Viverito hopped on to join him at 62nd Street.
The operative term is “convicted terror leader.”
It amazes me that no one made his early release conditional on these public appearances. They had to know at the White House that López Rivera would be a controversial figure in public. Didn’t they realize that police or other law enforcement officers would be offended by his presence at public events?
What about City Council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito? She has never met a leftist thug or anti-American dictator she does not love. Has she ever expressed any words publicly for FALN’s many victims, including police officers permanently maimed by its bombings? For that matter, neither has López Rivera.
Finally, what about the despicable Mayor de Blasio? He avoids hanging around López Rivera but does not call for his removal from the parade. That’s weak – very weak!
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) (YouTube) and follow me on Twitter.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2017/06/terrorists_presence_in_new_york_parade_an_insult_to_victims_and_police.html#ixzz4k4Fnv2yd
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Puerto Rico, Merkel in Mexico, Brazil, Lopez-Rivera in NY parade & more....Listen in now at https://t.co/9UqDCy2bFK. #BlogTalkRadio— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) June 14, 2017
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