Am I the only one who is getting frustrated with all of this? The GOP House continues to debate Obama Care and miss the big picture.
First, the House bill is simply the start of this process; and,
Second, the Senate will amend it anyway, as we read in The Washington Post:
“I would hope it gets changed over there,” Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.) told Bloomberg News, echoing other center-right members who explicitly said they were willing to pass the new revision in hopes that the Senate would strip out the harsher provisions.Even that goal, however, is proving elusive. By late Monday, House leaders had collected more votes than ever but still appeared to be shy of the 216 Republicans they need to pass the measure. They’re stuck between conservatives and moderates, both keenly aware of how they can be attacked on the issue next year.“If you’re in the House, what you should be thinking now is that if it doesn’t survive, it all comes back to you,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.).“I think what they should be focused on is getting the process moving and, frankly, passing the obligation over to the Senate.”
So pass something rather than argue about the perfect repeal bill in the House.
The Obama Care debate should take place in the US Senate where many Democrats are running for reelection. Let them defend the law. These Democrats have had a free ride because no one is asking them about the law. Instead, it’s the GOP arguing about whether or not the proposal will satisfy constituents.
Memo to GOP: Turn the wheels of repealing Obama Care or you will find a lot of unsatisfied constituents.
Pass a simple repeal and then let’s hear from Senate Democrats!
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