Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bad week for Obama and a good one for Pres Bush

It's been a good few weeks for Pres GW Bush.  

First, the Library is doing well at SMU here in Dallas.  

Second, his policies have a new disciple, i.e. President Obama.  

Third, his approvals are going up at the same time that Pres Obama is dropping.

To be fair, ex-Presidents usually get a bounce as time passes and people take a less passionate look at their presidency.  Like Pres Truman, Pres Bush is benefiting from a successor who kept most of his policies in place.

Pres Obama should come clean and say that his criticisms of Pres Bush were wrong and perhaps politically motivated.  He should remind all Americans that the Bush approach turned out to be right.  A little honesty will be good for Obama at a time like this!

Have a little fun with this debate, between the old Obama and the new Obama.  It's fun to watch:

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