Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving -- if you can afford it

 (My new American Thinker post)

In a month, we will get together for Thanksgiving.   Last year, we had to worry about COVID and getting too close to grandma.   This year, our problem is a bit different.  In other words, will we be able to afford "Turkey Day"?

Frankly, paying for Thanksgiving may be a challenging in 2021.  This is from Kim Severson:   

Nearly every component of the traditional American Thanksgiving dinner, from the disposable aluminum turkey roasting pan to the coffee and pie, will cost more this year, according to agricultural economists, farmers and grocery executives. Major food companies like Nestlé and Procter & Gamble have already warned consumers to brace for more price increases.

Everything is up but the turkey may be the biggest culprit of all:   

For many cooks, the biggest expense will be the turkey. By the end of the year, market analysts say, prices per pound will likely surpass the record Department of Agriculture benchmark price for turkeys -- $1.36, set in 2015.

Turkey is more expensive largely because the price of corn, which most commercial turkeys feed on, more than doubled in some parts of the country from July 2020 to July 2021. Whole frozen birds between 8 and 16 pounds already cost 25 cents a pound more than they did a year ago, according to the weekly Department of Agriculture turkey report released Friday.

It will be interesting.   Furthermore, the cost of Thanksgiving will also be impacted by a couple of other factors.  In the North, it will cost a lot more to heat the homes.  All over, it will cost more to drive or fly.  By the way, renting a car will be challenging too.  

Overall, a big mess for the Biden administration.  Last, but not least, the family will gather in the living room to watch masses of people crossing the border.

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