Saturday, November 02, 2019

Let's remember Reagan

It's critical to remember Reagan during these divisive times.    After Watergate, many young Republicans were demoralized. It did not help that Carter won in '76.

It was Reagan who inspired and brought us back to power. It was Reagan who won in '80 and '84 by being a conservative. It was Reagan who stood up to the USSR.

Of course, it was not easy on Reagan. They hated him in Europe. Does "cowboy and moron" sound familiar? Don't you remember the anti-Reagan marches in Europe?

Reagan did not play the poll game. He did not read polls to tell him what to believe or say. In other words, Reagan was not Kerry or Clinton!

As another election approaches, I always go back to Reagan for inspiration and confidence.

This is Reagan's party and we should behave like it!

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