Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 2007: A word about the young people who are wearing the uniform

A post from July 2007:

In past blogs, I have written about the courage, commitment and sacrifice of US troops. For a long time, US troops have freed more people than any author, writer, poet, singer, "Hollywoodie", journalist, college professor or pacifist.

From France '44 to Iraq, US troops have liberated more people than any other military force in history.

Bottom line: US troops are liberators!

I see this in my neighborhood. I know two young men who went into the military because they wanted to serve their country. They had other options but they chose to serve their country during war. Our own #3 son is considering a military career.

Let's salute the troops!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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