Wednesday, February 07, 2018

2006: Speaking of allies by Dr. Charles Krauthammer

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For three years, we've heard the Democrats' line that President Bush is not working with our allies! 

I wonder how many are saying it this week after what we saw from France and others in putting together a force for Lebanon.

In a perfect world, I would love to see a multilateral approach. In theory, it is better to have a multinational force rather than a US force.

In the real world, our allies cannot provide much military assistance. We can count on the UK, Australia and Japan. Who else?

Check out
The Perils Of Using 'The Allies' By Charles Krauthammer:
"Even the most ardent unilateralist always prefers multilateral support under one of two conditions:
(1) There is something the allies will actually help accomplish or
(2) there is nothing to be done anyway, so multilateralism gives you the cover of appearing to do something."
Speaking of our allies, don't expect a lot of help in dealing with Iran. Most allies can't help militarily. Worse than that, most do not have the political will to make the difficult decisions. Thank God for the US. Otherwise, who would stand up to the bad guys?

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