Saturday, December 09, 2017

2005: Bill Bennett was talking about leaks

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Back in 2005, Dr. Bill Bennett was outraged at some of the recent leaks to the NY Times and Washington Post.

Thanks to these leaks, our enemies are now up to date on how we keep track of their conversations or movements. All that they have to do is read the front page of the NY Times!

This is not freedom of the press. This is an irresponsible media doing whatever they can do to hurt Bush.

Sorry. If you hurt President Bush, then you hurt our effort and make us more vulnerable to a terrorist attack.

It's time for some people in the media to choose sides.

This is not about Kerry vs. Bush or Gore vs. Bush. The American people settled that issue in 2000 and 2004. This is about national security and people who want kill Americans, regardless of who they voted for!

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