Friday, November 10, 2017

Post from 2008: Kissinger's message and Europeans madly in love with Obama!

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A post from 2008:

Europe, a.k.a. the continent in denial, is in love with Obama, too. 

What is Obama, or for that matter any American, going to do for Europe? Let's get serious!

What can a US leader do for a continent that can't create jobs, have babies or defend itself?

Obama is just the latest distraction from a reality that Europeans don't want to face. We are living in such a moment in Europe.

Former Sec. of State Kissinger has something profound for the Europeans. They should listen to what he is saying in this great interview ('Europeans Hide Behind the Unpopularity of President Bush'):

On Iraq and the war on terror: 

"Some Europeans do not want to understand that this is not an American problem alone. The consequences of such an outcome would be at least as serious for Europe as for the Americans."
On NATO and Afghanistan: 
"I think it is obvious that the United States cannot permanently do all the fighting for Western interests by itself.

So, two conclusions are possible: Either there are no Western interests in the region and we don't fight.

Or there are vital Western interests in the region and we have to fight.

That means we need more German and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

What I am not comfortable with is that some NATO members send troops primarily for non-combat missions.

That cannot be a healthy situation in the long term."
On NATO, again: 
"In the long run, we cannot have two categories of members in the NATO alliance: those that are willing to fight and others that are trying to be members à la carte. That cannot work for long."
In less than a year, Pres. Bush will be back in Texas. The Europeans won't be able to blame him for everything wrong in the Atlantic alliance.

Frankly, the Europeans need to get their act together.

The US public is getting tired of defending people who do not want to defend themselves.

Obama can't fix any of that. Only the Europeans can fix their problems!

In the meantime, we will watch Europeans do the Obama and pretend that he can save them from their self afflicted malaise.

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