Politically Correct Fairy Tales by John Hawkins is very funny.
My favorite is The Ants and the Grasshopper:
Check them out. They will make you laugh and think a little bit.
My favorite is The Ants and the Grasshopper:
"All summer long the ants worked and prepared for the winter while the grasshopper went to Rage Against the Machine concerts and played Everquest.The Moral of the Story: Taking money from people who work hard and giving it to the lazy is compassionate!
The grasshopper laughed and laughed at the ants for working so hard.
Then winter came. The ants had plenty of food and shelter while the grasshopper had none.
So the government took the ants tax money and built the grasshopper a house, gave him welfare cheese to eat, and paid for courses at the local university that the grasshopper didn't bother to go to.
When the ants complained everyone agreed that they were greedy rich jerks for having more than the grasshopper."
Check them out. They will make you laugh and think a little bit.