Thursday, March 14, 2013

I love the choice of Pope Francis

It is a great day to be a Catholic.  We have a new Pope and he is a triple first:

"The new pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (pronounced Ber-GOAL-io), will be called Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. He is also the first non-European pope in more than 1,200 years and the first member of the Jesuit order to lead the church."

And also the first Latin American!  "3 firsts"!

I like this choice because he chose the name of Francis.  We all remember how Saint Francis was told to rebuild the church.  Frankly, the Catholic Church needs a little rebuilding and it starts with the Vatican bureaucracy.

My only concern is that he is 76 years old.  The papacy is a very difficult job, from the travel to the day to day management of the bureaucracy.  We pray that Pope Francis selects a fresh new team that will tackle the problems and fight secularism all over the world.

Good luck to Pope Francis!  We should all say  a prayer for the new Pope!

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