Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Immigration reform update

On immigration reform, I go back and forth because the politics is so intense on both sides.  

In the morning, I feel optimistic that we can reach an arrangement that respects our laws and allows a path for some, not all, to legalization.  This is not a green card or amnesty.  It is path that starts with a penalty, back taxes and a probationary status.

In the evening, I get pessimistic because I just don't think that President Obama is interested in a solution.  At the same time, I feel that Dems will have a hard time buying into "work visas" or work permits to legalize some of the people.

Furthermore, Hispanics are not holding Pres Obama accountable for results, whether it's the economy or the quality of public education.

 Click here for Monday's show with Mario H Lopez:

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