Thursday, March 14, 2013

More problems with implementing Obamacare

My new American Thinker  post.

Another day and more ObamaCare headaches:

It looks like the application process will be very complicated.  The AP compares applying for BO-Care as complicated as doing your taxes.

Will be the exchanges be ready next January 1st?  My friend Matt K Lewis is not optimistic.

And taxes will be higher than anticipated.

How did we get here?  

First, government programs are always more expensive than anticipated.  It is the way it is.

Second, my guess is that most Democrats voted for this law expecting The Supreme Court to reverse it.  A judicial rebuke would have given the Democrats the best of both worlds:  they voted for it but those 5 guys appointed by Bush, Bush & Reagan took your universal health care away.

Well, Supreme Court Justice Roberts spoiled the party.  He approved BO-Care on the grounds that Congress can raise taxes.

So the Democrats are now stuck in a place that they do not want to be in:

1) They will have to raise taxes or BO-Care won't fly.  The good news about the welfare state is that everybody likes this or that.  The bad news  is that everybody has to pay for this or that;

2) They will have to  implement something that they didn't read.  Just ask the Democrats Senators who were recently complaining about the tax on medical suppliers.

Yes, we were all very angry with Justice Roberts last June.  We may be sending him a "thank you" note or flowers when the American people tell the Democrats what they think of BO-Care on November 2014!

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