Monday, June 25, 2012

The problem with Fast & Furious is that a bunch of people are DEAD

We've focused a lot on the death of Border Officer Terry and Customs Officer Zapata.  Terry was killed on the border and Zapata on a Mexican highway.  They were both killed by weapons provided by the US government to Mexican cartels.

In other words, this is more than a scandal of executive incompetence.  This is about telling the Terry & Zapata families why their sons were killed by guns that we gave to Mexican cartels.

Furthermore, there are more than 300 dead in Mexico that we are not talking about up here.  At the end of the day, the Obama administration authorized an operation that crossed an international border and armed Mexico's # 1 enemy, the drug cartels.  Someone in the Obama administration needs to stand up and apologize to Mexico for an operation that increased the killing south of the border.

So far, the AG Holder has played games by "blaming Bush", the automatic explanation from this administration when they don't have an answer to a question.  Yet, this is not what Pres Bush authorized.  Check out Michael Walsh:  

"Fast and Furious bears a superficial resemblance to a much smaller Bush-era operation known as Operation Wide Receiver, in which some 450 guns walked into Mexico. 

But that operation was conducted with the full knowledge of Mexican authorities — unlike Fast and Furious, which was kept secret — and the government at least attempted to implant radio tracking devices on the weapons. 

When that failed, the operation was terminated."

At some point, someone has to step up and take responsibility for this operation.  What else do you expect when the US government puts 2,000 guns in the hands of criminals in another country?

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