Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Supreme Court upholds the key provision of the Arizona law

There were four parts to the Arizona law.  The big one was about policemen inquiring about immigration law.  This is the one that made the Arizona law controversial and the reason that we had a ruling in the first place.

The Arizona law was about a state under siege from drug cartels and illegal immigrants.  It was about enforcing federal laws.  Even the Obama administration did not argue about "racial profiling" before the Supreme Court.

As we posted two years ago, we would prefer to see the federal government enforcing immigration laws.  Unfortunately, Pres BO has decided that he will enforce some laws and not others, such as immigration laws or The Defense of Marriage Act.

Again, Arizona won on that point and that's good news.  I agree with Roy Beck:

"Fortunately, all states now have a bright green light from the Court to follow Arizona’s lead in enforcing the laws in the way that Congress intended, even if the president insists on violating those laws."

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