Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dear Brides & Grooms: Cancel your honeymoon and send the money to Pres BO's reelection (He is desperate for your money)

Political or electoral desperation comes in various forms:

1) Scare your base to vote, such as telling Hispanics that Romney wants to send your abuela back to Mexico.  (In fact, it is the Obama economy sending Mexicans back to Mexico)

2) "Leak" natural security secrets to The NY Times to show the world that Pres BO is tough on terrorists or Iran.  (Remember "Obama killed Osama" and BO was the Navy Seal who put a bullet in Osama's eyes!)

There are many signs of political desperation.  However, the Obama reelection team has really hit bottom.

According to news reports, the Obama team wants you to send your wedding gift to keep MO and BO flying on Air Force One:

"It’s a fairly common practice for people with weddings or birthdays coming up to ask their friends and guests to donate money to a charity or cause of their choice instead of buying them an actual gift, and it looks like the Obama campaign just thought up the absolutely brilliant, not-at-all galling idea of capitalizing on that ritual. 

No, dear friends — this is not a joke."  (Erika Johnsen)

Right.  This is not a joke. This is another example of how desperate they are getting over at the BO reelection campaign.

Cancel your honeymoon.  Tell your family and friends to send the money to BO & MO.  You can always get a CD and listen to Mary Hopkin singing "The honeymoon song".  

Cancel your plans.  BO & MO need your money because it's getting harder and harder to raise money from all of those rich liberals who voted to close GITMO and change the Bush anti-terror policies:

"I never knew that a day like today lay before us
I've got the sun in my heart and my heart in the sun
Skies are as bright as your eyes
The horizon is open Love is the ceiling
Feelings are reeling Free as the air
Forever on and forever Forever on side by side
Who ever knew that we two could be free as we'd fancy?
Fancy is free
But are we who are bound to each other by love?
To each other by love

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