Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nice win for Romney in New Hampshire!

We are happy that Romney had a nice victory in NH.  At the same time, Ron Paul exceeded expectations.  Jon Huntsman had a nice showing although it's hard to see where he goes from here.  Santorum and Gingrich now move to SC.  Perry goes Ssouth too.

Romney has an excellent resume.  He is also a man of character and integrity.  Last week, I saw this Nashua Telegraph endorsement for Romney:

"So if Republicans are serious about reclaiming the White House – an office they have controlled for 28 of the past 40 years – it is imperative they get behind a candidate capable of reaching beyond the party ideologues and attracting the support of independents and disenchanted Democrats across the nation.

That candidate, who also just so happens to be the most qualified candidate, is Mitt Romney.

As a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School, he would go on to found a successful investment firm at the relatively young age of 37.

As a respected businessman, he was recruited by the governor of Utah to take over as chief executive of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee and help save the scandal-plagued Winter Olympics of 2002.

Entering public service, he was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002 at a time of fiscal crisis and worked with a Democratic Legislature to close a projected $3 billion shortfall."

Beyond numbers and his outstanding business background, Romney has obviously been thinking and preparing himself for this run.  He is well versed on domestic and foreign issues.  He has excelled in debates and handled attacks gracefully.  He also has a good sense of what the 2012 election will be about.

Don't get me wrong.  I like Gingrich and Santorum too.  Perry has been a governor and Huntsman does have a good background.

However, Romney is the most complete candidate and the one who consistently beats or competes with Pres BO.

Click for our chat with Kent Hansen, retired businessman and Romney supporter:

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