Tuesday, January 10, 2012

There is something rather silly about the attacks on Romney's Bain Capital!

Politics 101: All is fair in love and war and politics, too.

Politics 101-b:  All is fair when challengers are running out of time and money, too.

It's hard to believe that our side is playing the "class game" and attacking Bain Capital or the firm that Mitt Romney was associated with for years.

Yes, it's true that Romney got rich at Bain Capital.  Good for him!  I'm sure that he paid lots of taxes during that time. 

Yes, it's also true that Bain Capital shut down companies and often put people on the street. 

Yes, all of that is true but so what?

Bain Capital invested in "distressed" companies, or companies that were very likely to go under anyway.   

In other words, these companies were struggling to survive and had to be shut down or dramatically changed.

Again, this is why we call them "distressed companies".  

It's incredible to hear these kinds of attacks from the GOP. 

It's also worth nothing that Bain Capital has a list of success stories, such as companies that created jobs and many jobs.   James Pethokoukis has a great post about the real Bain Capital story and the stories to back it up:

"Romney’s career as a free-market capitalist? No apologies necessary."

The Wall Street Journal nailed it with an editorial:

"Mr. Romney's GOP opponents (with the admirable exception of Rick Santorum) are embarrassing themselves by taking the Obama line, but Mr. Romney should view this as an opportunity to stake his campaign on something larger and far more important than his own business expertise."

By the way, congratulations to Rick Santorum for not jumping on the Bain Capital attacks.   Thanks to Ron Paul for criticizing the attacksRush Limbaugh blasted Gingrich, too.

Check out our Tuesday show regarding the Romney campaign:

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