Monday, January 09, 2012

Idea: Drop the moderators and let the public ask questions directly!

Poor George of ABC News!  Who is writing his questions or what polls is he studying about public opinion?

Whether its contraception, abortion or same sex marriage, there is an obvious disconnect between the people at these media houses and the public.

Seriously, what polls show that the US public is that concerned about abortion, same sex marriage or contraceptives?

Here is an idea to consider: Drop the moderators!

Let the public "phone in" questions or let the audience ask questions as was done in a recent foreign policy debate.

Unfortunately, too many of these moderators are trying to ask the "Pulitzer Price" question or become the story in the news cycle. 

Finally, do we really need 15 debates with 6-8 people on stage?  

I hope that both parties will reconsider this process and come back with something more sensible the next time around.

Roger Simon has a good idea:

Let’s put an end to the interlocutors. We don’t need media filters — left, right or center. I am not interested in Jane Pauley. I am not interested in Chris Wallace. I get to see plenty of them. I am not interested either in supposedly random questions chosen (by whom?) from Facebook or Twitter."

We spoke about this with Bill Katz on Sunday night:

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