Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We "downsize" our military but will the bad guys do the same?

Did I miss something or is the Obama White House hoping for the bad guys to start behaving differently?

David Ignatius (via Bill Katz) reports on the major changes that this "downsizing" represent for our armed forces.  

It looks like Pres BO wants to "turn the page on 9-11" and on track for a different world.  Is that realistic given the hostility of Iran or the radicals winning elections in Egypt and the uncertainties in Libya?

The Washington Post is a bit concerned, too.  They remind us that defense as a percentage of GDP is going down to 3% of GDP contrast to 9.5% under Eisenhower.   

I understand that we have a huge debt and federal budget deficit.  However, defense cuts do make you more vulnerable in a dangerous world.

The Europeans have enjoyed this "welfare state plus a lean military" for decades.  They've benefited from the fact that the US protected the shipping sea lanes, such as The Strait of Hormuz, and air space from incoming missiles.

Who is going to protect us?  Nobody and that's why we need to be very careful about cutting the defense budget.

Check out our conversation with Bill Katz about this or other national security matters:

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