Monday, January 09, 2012

The candidates were good but ABC News lost big!

The ABC News debate was terrible, specially if you think that we should be asking candidates about real issues, such as Solyndra, Fast & Furious,  the Middle East, the budget deficits, the Keystone Pipeline, energy policy, the proposed cutbacks in the military, the recess appointments, the Justice Dept and voter-ID laws, etc.

Am I the only one who didn't get the question about contraception or the viewer post on same sex marriage? 

It was embarrassing.  We deserve better, specially when we are talking about presidential candidates.

ABC news spent 15 minutes talking about same sex marriage and contraception.  Again, wonder how many people are sitting around the kitchen table talking about that?

My guess is that they are talking about jobs & the debt but no one at ABC News got that memo.

As far as the "horse race", it was probably a good night for Romney, who has survived another debate.  I think that the others did well but time is on Romney's side.  

Barone posted that Romney is almost there!  He may be right!

Check out our conversation with Bill Katz:

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