Saturday, January 07, 2012

"Hispanos" need to show their political muscle rather than just blindly support Pres BO & Dems

It's hard to figure out but true.  According to a new Pew poll, Hispanics will support Pres BO & Dems in 2012.

I repeat that this hard to figure out because the Obama administration has been such a disaster for Hispanics.  In fact, the Pew poll confirms that most Hispanics are unhappy with Pres BO.

So what's going on?  Why are Hispanics so blindly loyal to the Dem party?

Did Pres BO keep his promise to do something about immigration reform?  No he did not.  In fact, he never submitted a proposal to Congress.

What about The Dream Act?  The answer is that the Dems did not bring it up to a vote before the election of 2010. They waited until after the election in order to protect Dems from a difficult vote.

In the end, it was 6 Dem Senators who killed The Dream Act in the US Senate.

I don't get it but Hispanics seem bent on voting Dem in 2012.

Looking forward, Hispanics run the risk of becoming irrelevant to the Dem party.  Like blacks, who are taken for granted on election day, Hispanics must keep their political independence from the political parties.

In other words, Hispanics should ask the politicians to earn their vote rather than do it by default.

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