Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What Happened, Hillary? Check the Emmys

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For days, we’ve seen bits and pieces of Mrs. Clinton promoting her new book:  What Happened.   
Frankly, I think that it should be retitled Something Happened and I Had Nothing to do With It.
Mrs. Clinton has been trying very hard to find a cause for her unexpected loss. She blamed men, then James Comey, then women who didn’t vote, then this and that and this and that. It’s only a matter of time before she blames the Babylonians for creating a 24 hour calendar. Maybe she would won if the day was 36 hours long and more people could have been picked up to vote.
So what really happened?  
Let me suggest to Clinton that she should sit down and watch the Emmys of 2017. The explanation for her defeat can be found in that show and so many of the people who came on stage to make fools of themselves.
For the sake of numbers, it was a horrible night for the show, as we see in this report:   
Facing a Green Bay Packers game on NBC’s Sunday Night Football once again, the POTUS bashing Emmys got knocked down a little to a new low last night — at least in the early numbers.
Snagging a 8.2 in metered market ratings, last night’s just over 8 — 11 PM Late Show host fronted shindig from DTLA’s fortified Microsoft Theater tripped 2% from the 2016 show. To give some necessary context, that result is from 50 of 56 markets reporting due to the aftermath of Hurricane Irma hitting Florida last week.    
So let’s be fair:  it’s the early numbers and a lot of people didn’t watch it in South Florida. At the same time, do you think that the later numbers are going to change anything or that people in South Florida would have tuned in? Did you forget that Trump carried Florida?
We saw Sunday night everything that is wrong with the people who can’t win elections:
1) Total disrespect for the 63 million who voted for President Trump. Wonder what the advertisers think of that? My good guess is that many Americans will be calling advertisers today to say that they don’t appreciate their product supporting people who think that everyone is stupid.
2) A lack of maturity. Do these people really think that we tune in to watch an award show to hear their political opinions? My guess is that even liberals don’t do that. It’s the ESPN syndrome. Who watches sports highlights to hear someone’s opinion about DACA?
3) Total arrogance. They think so poorly of those of us who disagree with them. They can’t handle dissent or a different point of view.
Anyway, I think that we found “what happened” in 2016. It was there for the world to see on your TV screen.   
Thank God that I had to do a radio show and my sons were flipping between the Nationals vs. Dodgers and the NFL game. Even my wife said it was too silly and political and decided to watch an old “Downton Abbey.”
It was an awful Sunday for the Dallas Cowboys in Denver and for the left in Hollywood. At least Dallas got ratings.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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