Tuesday, September 19, 2017

2008 and we were talking about the incredible Clinton money machine

This is from 2008.....

From Truman to the first Bush, presidents built libraries, gave a speech at the conventions, and stayed out of partisan politics.

No more.

Bill Clinton has redefined it all.

Martin Peretz is editor in chief of The New Republic. In other words, Mr. Peretz is not some right wing conservative.

"What we now know is that Mr. Clinton was indiscriminating when it came to accepting cash from all sorts of countries.

He took money from poor countries like Jamaica, and more prosperous countries like Italy. He dipped into the Irish Aid Fund and the Swedish Postal Lottery for big money, and for small money from the Social Economic Council of the Netherlands.

And then there was an especially strange source from which he schnorrered: Citgo, Hugo Chávez's oil company.

Even if the revolucion didn't gain points for this, it is unseemly for an American president to ask the energy company of the Venezuelan dictatorship for spare cash.
So where did all this fund-raised money go?

Wouldn't you want to know to which philanthropic undertaking the King of Saudi Arabia and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques committed himself?
This information is not in the report -- and it doesn't look like President-elect Obama has any interest in pushing for further disclosure.

Maybe the king just gave to general expenses."

As always, Bill Clinton is one very controversial fellow. I can't wait for Hillary Clinton's answers at the confirmation hearings.

P.S. What would they say about Sarah Pallin if "The First Dude" was running out collecting huge amounts of cash from other countries?