Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A post from 2009 and the Clintons have not changed a bit

Image result for bill and hillary clinton cartoons 2009

This is a post from 2009.....

Based on news reports, former Pres. Clinton agreed to release information about his library and some of those lucrative business arrangements.

In other words, Pres. Clinton has done rather well as an ex-president! He has made money and lots of money! He has received many Library donations, such as one from Marc Rich's wife. (Rich was pardoned by Clinton at the last minute of his presidency)

Joe Conason has a few thoughts on Bill's future.

He worries that Bill will interfere with Hillary's work.

I don't know.

However, Bill Clinton loves microphones and attention.

Hillary couldn't control him during the Dem primary.

What makes you think that she can control him now?

Speaking of Sec of State Clinton, we should read Drama and Hillary go hand in hand:
"Drama and Hillary seem to go hand in hand, though this is not always her fault. Her husband seems the source of much of it."
There is always drama and scandal around the Clintons. Why do we expect anything else now?