Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Pedro Pan: A wonderful chapter of the Cuban experience in the US

In the early 1960's, many Cuban children were sent to the US and raised by Pedro Pan:
"From December 1960 to October 1962, more than fourteen thousand Cuban youths arrived alone in the United States. What is now known as Operation Pedro Pan was the largest recorded exodus of Unaccompanied minors in the Western Hemisphere."
Many of those Cuban kids did not see their parents again. Some of their parents were executed. Others spent years in political prisons.

Father Bryan O. Walsh was behind Operation Pedro Pan.  Today, the children of Pedro Pan run a website, support the organization and remember those who cared for them many years ago!

This is the amazing story of 14,000 lives. It shows the evil of the Castro communist dictatorship and the kindness of the many who raised them in the US.

Our friend Victor Andres Trey wrote a book about it many years ago.