Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A post from 2006: Cuba's aging population problem

By the way, there is a rumor that Castro is very sick. Of course, we've heard that before.

On a more important point, Fidel and Raul Castro are not the only old men in Cuba.  In fact, Cuba has a population problem. See Miami Herald!:

"In a nation faced with chronic shortages of everything from housing to food, more and more women are choosing to have just one child -- or none at all. A country with one of the hemisphere's highest life expectancy rates and lowest birthrates finds itself with a dwindling population -- one that in just 13 years will see the number of retired people outnumber the labor force."
Abortion is part of the problem. See Cuba Needs Church to Combat Abortion, Says Castro:
"Fidel Castro wants help from the Church to fight the "plague of abortion" in his country, reported an Italian cardinal at the end of a visit with the Cuban president.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, archbishop of Genoa, spoke of his trip in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Stampa, published Thursday.

"Fidel Castro is asking us for help to combat the plague of abortion in Cuba," he said.

"The spread of abortion, as Fidel Castro emphasized, is among the causes of the country's demographic crisis," the cardinal added. "And it is also a consequence of the plague of sexual tourism."
Why are so many Cuban young women involved in sexual tourism? Could it be that they are working for the "pimp of pimps", or Castro himself.

Abortion in Cuba is free. Speaking of abortion in Cuba, see this:
"Cuba, which has unrestricted access to legal abortion, has an abortion rate of 58.6 per 1000 pregnancies in 1996 compared to a Caribbean average of 35, a Latin American average of 27 (the latter mostly illegally performed), and a European average of 48. Additionally, contraceptive use is estimated at 79% (in the upper third of countries in the Western Hemisphere)."
Yes, Castro leaves a legacy: Abortion, prostitution, political executions and many drowned in the Florida Straits. Of course, the left will always remind us that this is all because of the embargo!   

P.S. We also learned later that Castro died as a very wealthy man, as Juan Reynaldo Sanchez wrote.