Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A post from 2006 Looking at Castro and Pinochet

Back in 2006, Pinochet and Castro were seriously ill.   Wonder what they were thinking as they faced the end of their lives?    Castro lived to December 2016 and Pinochet died in 2006.

Castro took a prosperous nation and turned it into a socialist basket case. Pinochet took Chile and turned it into the best economy in Latin America.

Yes, Pinochet made mistakes and there were excesses.  Yet, he accepted a public plebiscite in '89 and left power.  Since his departure, Chile has had several elections.

Castro has never had a plebiscite. He will die in power and arbitrarily transferred power to his brother in 2006.

Dictators are dictators. Yet, Pinochet will have a much longer impact than Castro.

On the human rights front, there is no comparison. Yes, we know a lot about what happened in Chile. Why? Because the Chilean press was free to cover the events. Has any free Cuban press ever investigated Castro's prisons?

My guess is that St. Peter will send Pinochet to hell for a short time but Castro will get a one way pass.

You can read more about Pinochet & Castro.