Saturday, June 01, 2013

Just what we need: Another "Animal House" video from IRS employees!

Let me be fair.  It's OK for people to have a little fun and that applies to IRS employees.

However, these "Animal House" type videos will not go over well with a public concerned that the IRS is out of control.

The latest video is a lot like the old video:

"The latest recording cost about $1,600 and was produced to be shown at the end of a 2010 training and leadership conference held in Anaheim, Calif., said IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge. 

At a time when most government agencies are coping with across-the-board spending cuts by furloughing workers and finding other savings, that conference has become the target of a report a Treasury inspector general plans to release next week."

Bad timing?  Bad judgement?  The truth is that no one is the mood to watch a bunch of public sector employees "partying" when the country is running deficits.

How can the IRS Director justify this?  Maybe he did not know about it because he was at The White House Easter Egg Hunt!

Again, bad judgement from an agency full of people with very bad judgement!

Tags: IRS scandal and more "party" videos  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Forget impeachment! Let's shut down the IRS!

(My new American Thinker post)

Before you send me a comment that I'm being "too easy" on Obama, let me say this:

1) I don't like Obama; and,

2) Impeachment will take care of itself.  In other words, President Obama will be forced to resign if the evidence connects the IRS scandal to the Oval Office.

My objective is to use this scandal to teach the American people that there is a better way to collect taxes, i.e. some form of a consumption or flat tax!

Can we imagine a world without the IRS?  Yes we can!

First, eliminating the IRS would delete the 70,000 tax code.    And you thought that ObamaCare's 2,500 page bill was too long?

Second, Russia, or the place we used to call the USSR and the birthplace of communism, has recently implemented a 13% flat tax.  The net result is more revenue and a stronger economy.

Third, you will eliminate tax brackets & confusing forms, as Daniel Mitchell of the Cato Institute wrote:

"Instead of the hundreds of forms required by the IRS, the flat tax uses two simple postcards. Families use the household postcard, and all they need to know is their labor income, available on a W-2 form. They then subtract an allowance based on family size. The remaining amount is taxable income, and the tax bill is based on the flat rate. The business postcard is equally simple. All businesses, from Microsoft to a hot dog stand (as well as individuals with "Schedule C" income), start with total revenues, and then calculate taxable income by subtracting wage costs, input costs, and investment costs. The IRS then gets a flat percentage of that remaining amount."

The Obama administration has given us a wonderful opportunity to shut down the IRS and replace it with something simple and better.

Again, my advice to conservatives is to go after the IRS because impeachment, or a potential presidential resignation, will take care of itself.

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: IRS, flat tax, national sales tax, consumption tax  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

My chat about "Cubanos in Wisconsin" with Radio Marti

It was a great honor to speak with Lizandra Díaz Blanco & Juan Juan Almeida of 1-800-OnLine, a show at Radio Marti.

Click here for the audio:

Tags: My chat about "Cubanos in Wisconsin" with Radio Marti  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

How bad is the IRS scandal?

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air has a new post about the IRS scandal.  It appears that it could be bigger than we've heard:

"McClatchy includes the case of Catherine Engelbrecht, which CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson co-reported yesterday.  That case, of course, goes far beyond the IRS; Engelbrecht’s business got harassed by the FBI, ATF, and OSHA as well, which would mean coordination far above the Treasury Department.  They also include the case of an anti-abortion group that was told they couldn’t picket Planned Parenthood locations if they wanted to keep their exemption, and a Nebraska veteran who got hassled in an IRS audit over his donations to his church once he began donating to conservative causes."

It gets worse because the IRS missed the deadline to present information to the US Senate.  What a great irony!  The IRS is always setting deadlines but can't meet the one by the US Senate.  

Stay tuned because this is going to be one heck of a summer show.  I think that this will be the kind of summer show that will bring massive indigestion at the White House.

Click here for Friday's show:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

Tags: How bad is the IRS scandal?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!