Saturday, June 01, 2013

How bad is the IRS scandal?

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air has a new post about the IRS scandal.  It appears that it could be bigger than we've heard:

"McClatchy includes the case of Catherine Engelbrecht, which CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson co-reported yesterday.  That case, of course, goes far beyond the IRS; Engelbrecht’s business got harassed by the FBI, ATF, and OSHA as well, which would mean coordination far above the Treasury Department.  They also include the case of an anti-abortion group that was told they couldn’t picket Planned Parenthood locations if they wanted to keep their exemption, and a Nebraska veteran who got hassled in an IRS audit over his donations to his church once he began donating to conservative causes."

It gets worse because the IRS missed the deadline to present information to the US Senate.  What a great irony!  The IRS is always setting deadlines but can't meet the one by the US Senate.  

Stay tuned because this is going to be one heck of a summer show.  I think that this will be the kind of summer show that will bring massive indigestion at the White House.

Click here for Friday's show:

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