Saturday, June 01, 2013

Just what we need: Another "Animal House" video from IRS employees!

Let me be fair.  It's OK for people to have a little fun and that applies to IRS employees.

However, these "Animal House" type videos will not go over well with a public concerned that the IRS is out of control.

The latest video is a lot like the old video:

"The latest recording cost about $1,600 and was produced to be shown at the end of a 2010 training and leadership conference held in Anaheim, Calif., said IRS spokeswoman Michelle Eldridge. 

At a time when most government agencies are coping with across-the-board spending cuts by furloughing workers and finding other savings, that conference has become the target of a report a Treasury inspector general plans to release next week."

Bad timing?  Bad judgement?  The truth is that no one is the mood to watch a bunch of public sector employees "partying" when the country is running deficits.

How can the IRS Director justify this?  Maybe he did not know about it because he was at The White House Easter Egg Hunt!

Again, bad judgement from an agency full of people with very bad judgement!

Tags: IRS scandal and more "party" videos  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!