Thursday, May 16, 2013

Looking for a grown-up who will accept responsibility and fire somebody!

The incredible parade continues and no one has accepted responsibility for anything.  We can say that no one, and I mean no one, gets fired in this town.

Today, the AG Holder, the one who did not know that an agency of his department put 2,000 high powered weapons in the hands of deadly Mexican cartels, came to Congress and said this:

""I was not the person involved in that decision. But be that as it may, I was recused in that matter as I described in a press conference held yesterday the decision issued the subpoena was made by the people involved in the case.""

AG Holder did tell Congress that his "deputy" did it.  Yes, a certain Mr Cole did it and all questions should be directed to him.

On a related front, the White House is now blaming Treasury for the IRS going rogue.

President Obama!  AG Holder!  Is anybody running anything around here?

President BO should listen to one of the biggest "yes we can" screamers of recent years, "the madly in love with BO" Dana Milbank:

"President Passerby needs urgently to become a participant in his presidency."

You are right Dana.   You are very right indeed! 

Speaking of President Obama & AG Holder, maybe they learned in the "I see nothing" school of Hogan's Heroes:

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