Saturday, May 04, 2013

Illinois blues and more blues

We spoke on Friday with Chad Stafko, contributor to American Thinker. He wrote an article about Illinois.

It is obvious that Illinois is overtaxes, overregulated and the public sector unions have a stronghold on the political class.  As Chad told us, businesses are leaving the state and looking for green pastures:

"The Land of Lincoln and home state of President Barack Obama has become nothing short of a fiscal and economic disaster. The Illinois labor market continues to weaken and the State government loses money by the truckload every day. If you think the nation's economic and fiscal conditions are bad, and they are, then pull up a chair and consider it could be could live in Illinois."

Franjkly, I think that this is really sad.  We need 50 strong and viable states.  It makes no sense to have areas of the country burdened with taxation and lousy politicians.

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