Saturday, May 04, 2013

A 15-year old girl can't drive but she can buy an abortion pill?

As the father of 3 sons, I can assure you that a 15-year old kid is not a grown up.   

I understand that girls mature biologically faster than boys but she is still 15 years old.

We heard this week about a new idea from the Obama administration:

"President Barack Obama said Thursday he was comfortable with his administration's decision to allow over-the-counter purchases of a morning-after pill for anyone 15 and older."

This is insane.  Again, we are talking about a 15-year old girl!

Adults can have honest disagreements about abortion.  Can we not all agree that a 15 year old girl should not buy a pill like this without parental consent?

Click to hear Friday's show.  We spoke with Chad Stafko about this issue:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on BlogTalkRadio

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