Saturday, July 21, 2012

WANTED: A US-Latin America policy that promotes trade and national security

The recent Cartagena summit was overwhelmed with all of the controversy surrounding the Secret Service agents & Sec Clinton doing "la conga" in a local bar.

Unfortunately, we did not hear that Latin American leaders were frustrated because Pres BO does not have a US-Latin America policy.

Why do we need a sound US-Latin America policy?   Can you say national security?  economic expansion?  jobs here and down there?  

Let's not forget that Brazil has one of the top 10 GDPs in the world.  Colombia has recovered from all of the drug wars and turned into a wonderful ally and strong economy.  Chile is an emerging market and a great role model for the 3rd world.

We need a strong US-Latin America policy that promotes our interests, and of course, those of our neighbors.  We need a "win win" policy but all we have from Pres BO is shameless pandering for Mexican-American votes in the US.

There is no policy today.  There is no framework.  There is nothing and that's the sad part.

Mexico is Texas' largest trading partner.  It is also a country caught up in a cartel war that requires a US president who understands that borders must be defended and respected.

What was Pres BO's policy toward Mexico?  First, he closed the US border to Mexican commercial trucks and put the US in violation of NAFTA.  Second, he pandered for Mexican-American votes by suing Arizona.  Third, he continued the pandering by legalizing 800,000 "dreamers" by going around the Congress.

Last, but not least, we are still waiting for Pres BO & AG Holder to explain "Fast & Furious".  Remember the 2,000 high powered weapons that just "flew" over the border like those birds that go south every year?

Latin America is also in trouble as Fausta Wertz has been reminding us daily.  We see growing Iranian and Chinese influence in the continent.  

Question:  Does anyone seriously think that China or Iran are concerned with US interests in the region? 

We know that Pres Romney will have a lot on his plate, from the US economy to a Middle East blowing up.  At the same time, I trust that he will take a very proactive approach toward our interests south of the border.

Click here for our Friday show with Allan Wall & Fausta Wertz:

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