Monday, July 23, 2012

Gun control? How about calling on Pres BO's Hollywood buddies to make better movies?

Like always, every tragedy is followed by calls for more "gun control".  We heard from the "usual suspects" that our problem is that it's too easy to buy guns in the US.

Of course, that's nonsense.  Yes, we have 200 million guns in the US but so what?  Does anyone seriously think that this young man in Colorado would have been stopped by "gun control"?  

I think that we are overlooking two things far more important than the availability of guns.

First, our movies glamorize violence.   We grew up watching "Combat" but the violence was much more restrained.  Again, just watch the D-Day landing of "The longest day" and compare it to "Saving Private Ryan".  Is it really necessary to show so much blood and guts?  Do young men need to watch all of this raw violence in movies?  When is too much just too much?

Second, are we really paying attention to these people who end up committing these acts?

We spoke on Saturday with Clayton Cramer, author of "My brother Ron", the story of his brother.  He just wrote about the state of mental health in the US:

"America started a grand experiment in the 1960s: deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill. The consequences were very destructive: homelessness; a degradation of urban life; increases in violent crime rates; increasing death rates for the mentally ill. My Brother Ron tells the story of deinstitutionalization from two points of view: what happened to the author's older brother, part of the first generation of those who became mentally ill after deinstitutionalization, and a detailed history of how and why America went down this path. My Brother Ron examines the multiple strands that came together to create the perfect storm that was deinstitutionalization: a well-meaning concern about the poor conditions of many state mental hospitals; a giddy optimism by the psychiatric profession in the ability of new drugs to cure the mentally ill; a rigid ideological approach to due process that ignored that the beneficiaries would end up starving to death or dying of exposure."

We hear that Pres BO is travelling to Colorado.  He should call on his Hollywood contributors to make better movies or films that favor and respect life. 

Click here for the show with Clayton Cramer:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio


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