Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ted Cruz will win today PLUS those WMDs in Syria

The GOP primary is finally over today and Ted Cruz will win the big prize, or the party's nomination for the US Senate.

Cruz will win for a couple of reasons:

1) The "tea party" is solidly behind Cruz.  The energy and enthusiasm is with Cruz whereas Dewhurst has the party leadership.  I'm putting my money on enthusiasm.

2) Dewhurst went really nasty negative with his TV ads.  Dewhurst is practically calling Cruz "a baby killer", a pro-China lawyer and a few other things.   It's  hard to believe that Dewhurst did that and many voters are furious, including myself.

So Ted Cruz will be the next US Senator from Texas after he easily defeats the Dem opponent.  How bad are the Dems doing?  I don't even know the name of the Dem running for the US Senate.

The other big issue is the deteriorating situation in Syria and the WMDs.  

How did Syria get those weapons anyway?  Are these the "missing WMDs from Iraq"?   The evidence is sketchy but there is the possibility that weapons were moved from Iraq to Syria.

In the short run, the bloodbath in Syria is further evidence that Pres BO is not leading.  No one is suggesting a US intervention but where is the West?  Where is NATO?  How can the West just stand by and watch helicopters shooting at innocent men, women and children?  It is a disgrace to watch this atrocity because Pres BO won't lead!

Click here for our Monday night show:

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Tags: Ted Cruz will win today PLUS those WMDs in Syria  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Romney makes a point by going to the UK, Israel & Poland

Gov Romney is on a foreign trip.  He started at the UK, spoke in Israel on Sunday and will head to Poland next.

Gov Romney selected 3 very important countries, specially 3 nations overlooked by the Obama administration.

It started with the UK when Pres BO treated PM Brown disrespectfully.  Add the insult that Winston Churchill's bust was returned to the UK.   It's hard to believe that we would treat the UK like this, specially given how PM Blair supported Pres Bush in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Israel is another matter. There is hostility between Israel and the Obama administration.

Poland has been a strong ally since the collapse of the USSR.  They were there for us in Iraq & Afghanistan but the Obama administration pulled the rug from their feet vis-a-vis Russia.

Beyond these three countries, there is the devastation in Syria and everything else going on in the Middle East.

The economy will be issue #1 on election day.  My guess is that foreign policy will be a big issue for Pres Romney or Pres BO.

Click here for our Sunday night chat with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Romney makes a point by going to the UK, Israel & Poland  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some things to think about on a Saturday morning

The big story was the US economy:

"Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the second quarter of 2012, (that is, from the first quarter to the second quarter), according to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. 

In the first quarter, real GDP increased 2.0 percent." (via Hot Air)

How far is 1.5% for zero?  Not very far!  

What does it mean that we had 2% in the 1st quarter and 1.5% in the 2nd quarter?  It means that the US economy is not growing.  You can not create enough jobs at this pace of growth.  It means that the unemployment rate on election day will very likely start with 8%.

We mentioned last week that Brian Ross & ABC News will mean that more and more people will shut off the mainstream media.  Today's NBC/WSJ poll won't help the media either.

According to the poll, Pres BO leads Gov Romney 49-43%, a comfortable lead.

However, there is a big problem with this poll.  Bill Katz mentioned it today:  It oversampled Democrats!   They oversampled Dems by + 11.

Did I tell you that people are turning off the mainstream media.  The answer is yes and these outrageously stupid polls are the reason.

On a more serious note, Gallup & Rasmussen show a more competitive race and even an edge to Romney.

Click here for our Friday show with Dr Ileana Johnson-Paugh:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Washington! It Is Time To Stop Digging!

Washington Could Learn A Lot: If you keep on digging, you'll put yourself deeper and deeper in the hole. The bureaucrats and politicians in Washington, D.C. have put this country in a $15,874,876,409,526.41 hole (U.S. national debt ending on July 20, 2012). Maybe its time we stop digging! To learn more, visit WashingtonCouldLearnALot.com WashingtonCouldLearnALot.com is a project of Public Notice Research and Education Fund (PNREF). PNREF is an independent non-profit dedicated to educating the American people about economic policy and the principles of economic freedom. PNREF believes an empowered American public will cause lawmakers to be better stewards of the nation’s economy, and of Americans’ economic freedom. If you agree, watch, comment and share this video!
Tags: Debt, economy, jobs, Washington, bureaucrats, politics, fiscal policy, out of control spending, spending, election, congress, small business, business, Government Agencies, regulations, White House, United States Congress, killing job creators, digging a hole, Time To Stop Digging, Washington Could Learn A Lot As published by the ARRA News Service. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Why will Hispanics stay home in November?

Pres Obama got some mixed news today:

First, many Hispanics liked the legalization of the 800,000 dreamers. 

Second, Hispanics are deeply apathetic about the election:

"Compared to 2008, enthusiasm about the November election is now much lower among Hispanics than among any other major voting bloc.

Just 55% of Hispanic voters told the pollsters they had high-intensity interest in the upcoming elections, down from 64% in July 2008. 

At the same time, the number of Hispanic voters who said they were more enthusiastic about this election than the last one dropped by seven percentage points in just a month."  (via Hot Air)

Why are Hispanics so apathetic?

It starts with the bad economy and the fact that it is disproportionally hurting Hispanics, i.e. 11% in Hispanic communities vs 8.2% unemployment nationwide.

No concern in the Dem party, or frankly much of the Spanish speaking media, for the quality of public schools.  Unfortunately, too many Dem leaders send their kids to private schools and expect Hispanics to attend the failing inner city public schools.

Too much talk about immigration reform.  When are Dems & the Spanish media going to get the reality that most Hispanics are here legally and are not impacted by The Dream Act? 

Yes, Hispanics will stay home in November.  They may not vote for Romney but they'll let their absenteeism vote against Obama's policies.

Click here for our recent shows:

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Let citizens defend themselves

We know this much:

First, the left will always go after the guns, i.e. the gun control argument; and,

Second, the media will always make a fool of itself, i.e. Brian Ross of ABC immediately pulling out The Tea Party connection.

We repeat.  There is no evidence that gun control stops criminals from buying or using guns against law abiding citizens.  Furthermore, there is no evidence that Tea Party gatherings have been violent.  Nevertheless, the myths live on!

We also know this:  Citizens should, and are very capable, of defending themselves.  In fact, the truth of these "mass murders" in the US is that they generally happen in gun restricted areas.

Please see this from The NY Daily News:

"With a single exception, every multiple-victim public shooting in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed since at least 1950 has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry their own firearms.
The Cinemark movie theater in Aurora, like others run by the chain around the country, displayed warning signs that it was illegal to carry guns into the theater.
This applied to all nonlaw enforcement personnel, including individuals with concealed handgun permits. In other words, despite more than 4% of the adult population of Colorado having concealed handgun permits, a gunman intent on killing a lot of people could be confident that law-abiding citizens there would be sitting ducks.
If one of the hundreds of people at the theater had a concealed handgun, possibly the attack would have ended like the shooting at the mega New Life Church in Colorado Springs in December 2007."

What if someone in the crowd had been able to kill the alleged killer?  What if a security guard had a gun?  

I trust citizens and believe that they should have the right to defend themselves.  Better than that, our Founding Fathers believed that too and they gave us the 2nd amendment.

Tags: Let citizens defend themselves  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pres BO once again wrong on Iraq

Pres BO "shamelessly" took credit for ending the war in Iraq.  He did it before a VFW group.  My guess is that most military veterans were shocked to watch such an outrageous and self serving comment by a president who just loves talking about himself.

Let's talk reality.

First, Pres Bush ended the Iraq War.  He won it and then negotiated the agreement that pulled our troops out.  Pres BO simply followed the agreement and carried out the Bush policy.

Second, Pres BO's Iraq War remarks were not directed at the veterans in the hall.  They were directed at the left who is not happy that "the anti-Bush of 2008"  turned out to be Bush III on Iraq, GITMO and indefinite detention.  Where is the change?

Third, Iraq is falling apart because we walked away and did not leave a military presence.    We did in South Korea and Germany.  We did not in Iraq and it is our hurting our interests.

"All Obama ended in Iraq was our position of strategic influence there, a priceless position gained after a horrifying sacrifice. 

Just imagine what the fate of Germany and Japan (and of democracy) might have been if we had abandoned those countries’ nascent democratic institutions at the start of the Cold War? 

We learned in the years after World War I that democracies are most vulnerable to subversion and demagoguery when they are youngest. 

It was the long-term presence of U.S. troops that allowed stable institutions of democratic politics and flourishing commerce to sink deep roots in Japan, South Korea, Germany, and elsewhere on the periphery of the free world. 

A long-term presence in Iraq would have allowed us to do much the same, standing as bulwark against Iranian influence and guiding Iraq to a role of democratic leadership in a part of the world that desperately needs modern democracy to succeed.

Instead Obama utterly neglected Iraq, and made no effort to maintain the strategic position that the Bush administration bequeathed to him. 

As elsewhere in the Middle East, the Obama administration has merely presided over the erosion of American influence, leaving us far less able to safeguard our most vital interests, or ensure the future peace and prosperity of the Middle East. 

And that’s a “responsible end” to the war in Iraq? Please."

Let's hope that Iraq does not fall apart, specially in light of what we are watching in Syria, Egypt & Libya.

By the way, Gov Romney leads Pres BO, our current commander in chief, by a huge 59-35% margin in a Rasmussen poll of military veterans.  Do you recall a recent commander in chief who did this poorly with military veterans?  I can't.  At the same time, I understand why.

Click here for the Tuesday show:

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Dear Pres Calderon: How is that "gun control" working in Mexico?

What exactly is wrong with Pres Calderon of Mexico? 

First, there is no evidence that gun control stops criminals from buying guns.  Just check out the fact that the Mexican cartels own every gun in the world in a country where it is unlawful to own guns.

The bottom line is that the bad guys who have guns in Mexico despite all of the gun control laws on the books.  

Furthermore, Aurora, Colorado, already has very strict gun laws.  Didn't someone explain that to Pres Calderon?

Second, where is Pres Calderon's outrage over "Fast & Furious", an Obama program that put 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican cartels.  Why isn't he calling on AG Holder and Pres BO to explain that one?

Click here for our Monday night show:

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Tags: Dear Pres Calderon:  How is that "gun control" working in Mexico?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Brian Ross's stupid mistake will drive more and more people away from the mainstream media

A couple of days ago, Brian Ross of ABC made a connection between The Tea party and the young man who killed a dozen people in Colorado.

It was a reckless reference.  It turned out to be false.  It won't help a mainstream media desperately holding on to listeners, viewers and readers.

The problem is that there is a "rush" in the media to get to the cause of the story.  No one seems to show any restrain and get the facts before reporting them.  Worse than that, reporters don't care at all about the reputations of the citizens that they cover on their stories

Why is Brian Ross still working at ABC News?  How can the media tolerate such reckless performances?

Click to hear the Sunday night show with Bill Katz:

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Tags: Brian Ross's stupid mistake will drive more and more people away from the mainstream media  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Gun control? How about calling on Pres BO's Hollywood buddies to make better movies?

Like always, every tragedy is followed by calls for more "gun control".  We heard from the "usual suspects" that our problem is that it's too easy to buy guns in the US.

Of course, that's nonsense.  Yes, we have 200 million guns in the US but so what?  Does anyone seriously think that this young man in Colorado would have been stopped by "gun control"?  

I think that we are overlooking two things far more important than the availability of guns.

First, our movies glamorize violence.   We grew up watching "Combat" but the violence was much more restrained.  Again, just watch the D-Day landing of "The longest day" and compare it to "Saving Private Ryan".  Is it really necessary to show so much blood and guts?  Do young men need to watch all of this raw violence in movies?  When is too much just too much?

Second, are we really paying attention to these people who end up committing these acts?

We spoke on Saturday with Clayton Cramer, author of "My brother Ron", the story of his brother.  He just wrote about the state of mental health in the US:

"America started a grand experiment in the 1960s: deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill. The consequences were very destructive: homelessness; a degradation of urban life; increases in violent crime rates; increasing death rates for the mentally ill. My Brother Ron tells the story of deinstitutionalization from two points of view: what happened to the author's older brother, part of the first generation of those who became mentally ill after deinstitutionalization, and a detailed history of how and why America went down this path. My Brother Ron examines the multiple strands that came together to create the perfect storm that was deinstitutionalization: a well-meaning concern about the poor conditions of many state mental hospitals; a giddy optimism by the psychiatric profession in the ability of new drugs to cure the mentally ill; a rigid ideological approach to due process that ignored that the beneficiaries would end up starving to death or dying of exposure."

We hear that Pres BO is travelling to Colorado.  He should call on his Hollywood contributors to make better movies or films that favor and respect life. 

Click here for the show with Clayton Cramer:

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Tags: Gun control?  How about calling on Pres BO's Hollywood buddies to make better movies?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

WANTED: A US-Latin America policy that promotes trade and national security

The recent Cartagena summit was overwhelmed with all of the controversy surrounding the Secret Service agents & Sec Clinton doing "la conga" in a local bar.

Unfortunately, we did not hear that Latin American leaders were frustrated because Pres BO does not have a US-Latin America policy.

Why do we need a sound US-Latin America policy?   Can you say national security?  economic expansion?  jobs here and down there?  

Let's not forget that Brazil has one of the top 10 GDPs in the world.  Colombia has recovered from all of the drug wars and turned into a wonderful ally and strong economy.  Chile is an emerging market and a great role model for the 3rd world.

We need a strong US-Latin America policy that promotes our interests, and of course, those of our neighbors.  We need a "win win" policy but all we have from Pres BO is shameless pandering for Mexican-American votes in the US.

There is no policy today.  There is no framework.  There is nothing and that's the sad part.

Mexico is Texas' largest trading partner.  It is also a country caught up in a cartel war that requires a US president who understands that borders must be defended and respected.

What was Pres BO's policy toward Mexico?  First, he closed the US border to Mexican commercial trucks and put the US in violation of NAFTA.  Second, he pandered for Mexican-American votes by suing Arizona.  Third, he continued the pandering by legalizing 800,000 "dreamers" by going around the Congress.

Last, but not least, we are still waiting for Pres BO & AG Holder to explain "Fast & Furious".  Remember the 2,000 high powered weapons that just "flew" over the border like those birds that go south every year?

Latin America is also in trouble as Fausta Wertz has been reminding us daily.  We see growing Iranian and Chinese influence in the continent.  

Question:  Does anyone seriously think that China or Iran are concerned with US interests in the region? 

We know that Pres Romney will have a lot on his plate, from the US economy to a Middle East blowing up.  At the same time, I trust that he will take a very proactive approach toward our interests south of the border.

Click here for our Friday show with Allan Wall & Fausta Wertz:

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Tags: WANTED:  A US-Latin America policy that promotes trade and national security To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pres BO's executive decrees are out of control

Last month, Pres BO went around Congress and gave "legal" status to 800,000 young people in the US.  He did this to compensate for the fact that he couldn't get an immigration reform or The Dream Act from Dem majorities in the House and Senate.

It was a very cynical move and intended to pander to Hispanics.  It was also unconstitutional and will be challenged in the courts.

This week, Pres BO kept the "executive decree" machine running.  He went after one of the most successful laws passed by Pres Clinton & the GOP Congress of the late 1990s:

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a policy directive on July 12 that grants waiver authority for the work requirements in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The new directive give states the authority to waive work requirements, “opening the door for activities like bed rest, smoking cessation and exercise to be counted as work,” the lawmakers warned. Congress specifically excluded this action when it adopted the law in 1996 to prevent abuse."  (via Hot Air)

Like the aforementioned Dream Act decree, this is another example of a president who does not understand that his job is to enforce the law rather than go around Congress when he can't get his way.

We should all be outraged with this kind of presidential overreach.  It surprises me that the left is so silent about this.  Are they saying that future GOP presidents should go around Congress when they don't like the law on the books?

Click here for our Thursday show:

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Does Pres BO understand that "twin plants" have created prosperity on the US-Mexico border?

This article was published at The American Thinker.

The Obama re-election campaign (aka "let's talk about everything except my record") has now taken a Mexican direction.

The Obama team is now blaming Romney for "outsourcing" jobs to Mexico.    In fact, much of the "outsourcing" to Mexico has been in the form of "maquiladoras," or those twin plants that have done much to promote the economies of both countries.

For example, there are hundreds of these operations in El Paso-Cd. Juarez and San Diego-Tijuana.  Just ask all of those Dems in South Texas about the economic impact of these twin plants!  I guess that most of these South Texas Democrats must be appalled at Obama's incredible lack of knowledge about what makes the border economy work.

These twin plants have been supported by both governments and represent a good example of Mexico and the U.S. working together with mutual benefits.  The plants have done a lot to keep Mexicans in Mexico rather than crossing the border to look for opportunities.  Finally, these plants have fostered high-quality universities and schools in Mexico to supply the engineering and managerial needs of these facilities south of the border.

We've had two great economic success stories with Mexico since World War II.

The first one was the "bracero" program, a plan that brought thousands of Mexicans to work legally in the US.  Unfortunately, the bracero was canceled in the late 1960s by the Dems under pressure from labor unions.  The bracero program was the best illegal immigration program ever!

Our second success story is "twin plants."  They've created jobs on both sides.  Again, ask the mayor of El Paso, TX; Laredo, TX; Nogales, NM; or San Diego, CA about the local benefits of these plants.

It's been a win-win situation...unless your name is Barack Obama and you want voters distracted from the sorry record of your presidential term.

I guess that Obama does not think that creating prosperity on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border is in our national interest anymore (see video).

This 2012 effort to blame Mexico is very much in line with the 2008 version, or when candidate B.O. blamed NAFTA for job losses in Michigan and Ohio.  You will recall that he ran saying that he wanted to renegotiate NAFTA (see video).

We ask a simple question: does Obama understand the economic potential of the U.S.-Mexico border?

The answer is a big no!

Tags: Does Pres BO understand that "twin plants" have created prosperity on the US-Mexico border  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Mitt vs BO: California vs Texas, Solyndra vs Staples PLUS the individual vs the state

Pres BO's "panicky ads" about Gov Romney reveal once again that this is a very important election.

Pres BO believes that government makes it all possible.  We Romney supporters believe that free people make it happen.

Let's look at a couple of very significant contrasts.

First, California vs Texas.  What state is losing people?  What state is creating jobs and leading the nation in attracting businesses and the taxpayers who follow them?

Second, there is Solyndra vs Staples.  Solyndra is classic "crony capitalism.  Staples is what happens when people invest and risk their capital.

Today's WSJ editorial is right on target:

"Mr. Romney's Bain worked so well that it became the model for an entire industry. Mr. Romney helped create Staples, a start-up that worked and created tens of thousands of jobs. Mr. Obama financed Solyndra, which did not work. Neither did Abound Solar. The many Obama alternative-energy ventures play in different market segments, but they struggle for the same reason: They serve political agendas more than customers."

Yes, this is a contrast election.  I like our chances a lot!

Click here for the Wednesday show:

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Tags: Mitt vs BO: California vs Texas, Solyndra vs Staples PLUS the individual vs the state   To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gov Romney and the NAACP

We don't expect that many black voters will switch to Gov Romney.  Nevertheless, I was very happy that Gov Romney went to the NAACP and spoke his mind.

We understand that there is a huge "racial pride factor" among blacks for Pres BO.  I get it.  

Also, Pres BO is a good role model for aspiring young blacks, and specially the black family.

At the same time, Pres BO's policies have not worked.  Unemployment is high.  GDP growth is anemic.  

Add to this the quality  of public schools and it is not a pretty picture for blacks in this country.

Click here for our show with Joey Norris:

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pres Obama vs Gov Romney in mid-July

The election is about 120 days away.  However, it looks more and more like one of two scenarios will play out on election day:

1) A very tight Romney victory, a repeat of 2000.  I include here the possibility that Pres Obama wins the popular vote because of California and New York;

2) A Romney victory, a repeat of 2004 where Bush was reelected 51-48%, a comfortable popular vote margin and about 300 Electoral votes.

I'd be very surprised if Pres BO wins reelection with-this economy and the kind of panic tactics coming from his camp. 

Click here for our Monday show:

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Pres BO keeps throwing mud on the wall hoping that something sticks.....

It's getting very ugly out there.  

The Obama reelection campaign is into mud these days.  I guess that throwing mud is better than explaining the Obama record:

1) Remember the stimulus?  the $1 trillion stimulus?

 2) Remember the speech last week about the Bush tax cuts?  The Senate Dem majority is not buying it.

 3) Remember how the cost of health care was going to go down?

Overall, I have never seen a man running for reelection with a more "sorry record" than this one.  He can't point to anything positive except for killing Osama.

He is also "burning" his campaign money and desperately looking for cash.  There is real panic over at the Obama camp, as Jenniffer Rubin indicates today:

"So the Obama team has shot its wad. Its opponent has more ammo and more money now. Romney hasn’t been mortally wounded. And there isn’t money from Obama to keep up the 4-to-1 spending barrage. In fact without it, Obama might well have fallen behind in the race. So the Obama team pleads for money and turns up the volume of the attacks. (After calling Romney a criminal in July, what’s left for September and October?)"

The fall campaign will be fought on Romney's terms and the Obama side is in panic mode. 

Click here for the Sunday night show:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Expensive health care plus a president who will say anything to get reelected

The Obama reelection campaign can not be based on his presidential performance.  Therefore, we are watching a "panic based" campaign based on making Romney into the monster who will outsource your job & send your "abuela" to Mexico.

It is a rather sickening campaign.  At the same time, what else is Pres BO going to run on?

Ironically, it is the Obama economy sending Mexicans back to Mexico or using  "stimulus" dollars to build automobiles in Finland.

On another subject, we just learned that BO-Care is going to cost a lot of money, such as $2.6 trillion over the next decade.  This is obviously a lot more than we were told.

Beyond money, quality will suffer and shortages are inevitable.  It will also bring the IRS into health care, a frightening thought to say the least.

As we've mentioned before, we believe in private sector oriented insurance that puts the patient & doctor at the center of health care.  There is no way that "socialized medicine" can provide better quality than a system based on private doctors and hospitals.  Also, you can not add 30 million to our current system without creating shortages.  The numbers just do not add up.

BO-Care survived a date with the Supreme Court, in part because Justice Roberts called it a "tax".  It is now up to the voters to reject this monstrosity and send "health care" back to the states not the federal government.

Click here for our Friday chat with Dr Ileana Johnson Paugh:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Expensive health care plus a president who will say anything to get reelected  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Friday, July 13, 2012

What's wrong with California?

As the world focuses on the European debt crisis, and all of those crazy elections in Greece, Egypt and so on, maybe we should look west and check out California.  

Do you see those California license plates driving around your state?  They are taxpayers fleeing the state.  Yes, taxpayers such as people who create jobs and pay the taxes!

Check out what Arthur B. Laffer is saying.  He is the chairman of Laffer Associates, a macroeconomic research firm, and Laffer Investments, a money-management firm.  He is the author of Eureka! How to Fix California:

"Firms, people, investments, and tax revenues are fleeing California, repelled by the most onerous antigrowth business environment in the United States. 

California’s after-tax rate of return for doing business lags so far behind other states’ (especially zero-income-tax competitors such as Texas, Tennessee, and Florida) that the exodus shouldn’t surprise anyone. 

Yet the state’s Democratic leadership is pushing a November ballot measure aimed at raising income and sales taxes in order to make up for lost revenue.
Tax hikes, especially during trying economic times like these, make no sense. Economies don’t tax themselves into prosperity. What California needs is a radical tax overhaul—to be precise, a single, low-rate flat tax. Such a reform would spur a renewal of economic activity and investment while continuing to raise the revenues that the state needs."

We need California back in the union.  Let's help our friends in California take back their state!

Click here for our show:

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

The 2012 MLB All Star game and other baseball thoughts

What a major disappointment for Rangers' fans.  We sent 8 guys to the game but they didn't do much of anything.

Worse than that, the World Series will start in the NL again.  We know how that hurt the Rangers in the '12 Series.  I can't prove it but I think that the Rangers would have won game 6 if the game had been played here.

I've always loved the All Star game.  It is a great summer tradition and I look forward to it every year.  It was great to see another retiring veteran get a standing ovation as happened when Chipper Jones batted late in the game.

However, Commissioner Selig changed the rules and made home field advantage subject to winning the All Star Game.  It was a way of saving face after the 2002 game ended up in a tie.

I hate the World Series connection.  The game is an exhibition not the "start of the post season" as some of the TV commercials were saying.

Speaking of the Rangers, it'd be interesting to see what they will do prior to the trading deadline.  Will they add a name pitcher?  or just another steady arm for insurance purposes?  How about another lefthander to help Ross in the bullpen?

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