Saturday, June 02, 2012

Friday's bad economic news: Is anybody still drinking the Obama Kool Aid?

We woke Friday to a rather bad bunch of numbers about the US economy:

1) We created 69,000 jobs last month.  This is an embarrassing number.  Wonder if there is still anyone out there buying into the "hope and change" nonsense?

2) The unemployment "WENT UP" to 8.2%.

3) The last quarter's GDP was revised "DOWN" to 1.9%.

Let's add it up:  Unemployment is UP, the GDP is shrinking and only 69,000 jobs were created in the US economy.

Can we officially declare that "the stimulus" has not stimulated?

Can we finally say that the Obama "class warfare" has hurt employers?  How can you "demonize" the employer and then expect him to create jobs? 

Can we conclude that European-type socialism just won't work in the US? 

We will probably hear all kinds of "excuses" from the Obama administration today.  They will probably blame Bush even though we are in the 4th year of the Obama administration and we just had the 3rd anniversary of the "stimulus" that was supposed to save the world.

Who failed here?  The answer is Obama's policies.  Check out today's WSJ editorial:  Are we finally ready to debate a change in the policies that have led to this pass?

Who failed too?  It was all of those people "drunk with change" who digested all of the platitudes and nonsense from the Obama '08 campaign. 

Don't blame me!  I voted for McCain! 

Check out our discussion with Dr Ileana Johnson-Paugh and Jose M Guardia, special guest from Barcelona:

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