Saturday, June 02, 2012

Dear Mariela: Your family is the mafia NOT the Cuban Americans who want freedom for Cuba

We continue our posts about Mariela Castro's trip to the US.  

As a proud Cuban-American, and the son of parents who stood for freedom in Cuba, I find Mariela Castro repulsive.

We were saddened to see people cheer Mariela in San Francisco.  We are happy that many "gay groups" in the US are not buying the nonsense that Mariela Castro is pushing. 

We saw last week a "gay reaction" in South Florida:

"Gay Cuban Americans in Miami are furious that Fidel Castro's niece is meeting this week and next with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender activists in San Francisco and New York City.

"For Mariela Castro, or anybody else under the Castro dictatorship, to say they are representing the rights of anyone is an insult to the hundreds of thousands who have either been killed, jailed or assassinated by their own hands, or the nearly 100,000 people who’ve jumped into the ocean looking for freedom who haven’t made it here," said Herb Sosa, executive director of Unity Coalition, Miami-Dade County's leading Hispanic gay rights group."

Read more here:

Let me add this about "gay rights".  I am against same sex marriage.  At the same time, I don't support discrimination based on sexual orientation.  I don't care about someone's sexual orientation as long as it is a private matter.  I do care about marriage, an institution that must be defended and can not be redefined so that Pres BO can collect millions of dollars from "gay" contributors. (1 in 6 Obama Money Bundlers is Gay)

Unfortunately, too many in the Obama "we need for our "gay base" to show up in November" administration have a very bad memory of how the Castro brothers treated homosexuals in Cuba.

In fact, homosexuals were treated as anti-social elements and often as consequences of capitalist materialism.   It was one of many human rights disasters in the island.

Again, it is a joke, an insult to our intelligence and a mockery to have Mariela Castro on a mission to promote "gay rights" or to give her endorsement of Pres BO.  (Someone in SF should ask Mariela about Reinaldo Arenas, Cuban writer)

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