Monday, April 02, 2012

The students today are underemployed rather than drunk on "hope and change"

Once upon a time, candidate BO had lots of support at the colleges and universities.   I recall watching university students with BO-Shirts all over in 2008.

That was then and this is now:

"Obama enjoyed a wave of youth support in his run to the presidency, winning 66 percent of voters aged 18-to-29 in the race against Republican Senator John McCain. Twenty-two million young voters cast ballots, making up about 18 percent of the electorate -- two million more than in 2004, according to exit polls and the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. 

Today that passion has cooled amid gridlock and partisanship in Washington and a surge in unemployment that is souring young voters."

Pres BO's biggest problem is that young people bought into the fantasy along with blacks and Hispanics.  

We discussed in a prior post about the unemployment rate in black and Hispanic communities, i.e. 14% & 10% respectively.   No hope and change, or at least not the kind of change that Hispanics & blacks had hoped for.

Young people have another problem, i.e. underemployment.  They can't find work related to their studies.   We are also seeing more and more young people moving in with their parents because they can't afford to live by themselves.

Beyond economics, I think that a lot of young people are just disenchanted, or the kind of feeling that you have in your stomach when someone lied to you.   Too many young people bought into closing GITMO, the nonsense about the Bush police state and how Obama's smile was going to lower the world's temperatures.

We say it again.  There won't be any magic in 2012 no matter how many millions the Obama campaign spends to register and drive voters to cast their ballot. 

Check out our Sunday night with Bill Katz: 

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