Thursday, March 29, 2012

There is something strange about seeing The Pope sitting next to Raul Castro

There is something very strange about watching The Pope and a tyrant sitting down for tea.  

Since the Castro brothers came to power, they have made life miserable for religious people in Cuba.  A few months ago, Mr Gross, a US citizen, was detained for taking laptops to the Jewish community in the island.

The Pope made some general remarks about freedom.  He told a reporter on the plane that the Marxist model does not work anymore.  However, he did not meet with "the ladies in white", a group of Catholic women who march after mass every Sunday.

We understand that The Pope has to be very careful.  However, he should have been a little tougher with anti-religious regime that has prosecuted priests and other religious people.

Click for our Wednesday show discussion of The Pope and Cuba:

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