Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cuban dissidents under siege in Cuba

We are pleased to see the Pope in Cuba.  However, we are not pleased to see the way that Cuban dissidents are being arrested, mistreated and punished by the Cuban regime:

1) Babalu reports that the Cuban dictatorship is cutting off phone & internet service;

2) The Pope got a first hand look at the repression and lack of liberty in Cuba.   (Watch the video of this Cuban arrested)

What will happen to Cubans after The Pope leaves?  Let's just say that the government will get even with those Cubans who marched or expressed their criticism openly.  What else do you expect from a corrupt dictatorship accountable to no one?

We understand that The Pope can not do everything.  However, it is disappointing that he did not meet with the dissidents or say anything about the repression in Cuba.  I just hope that the young people do not walk away from the Catholic Church.

Click here for our chat with Raul Garcia & Fausta Wertz:

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