Thursday, June 29, 2023

The moderate and his admiral

 (My new American Thinker post)

During the campaign, we were reminded often that former VP Biden was the moderate in the party roster.  He wasn't Bernie the socialist who went to the USSR for his honeymoon. Or Beto with the RFK look who wants to take your AR-15 away.  For sure, not Elizabeth with the Native American past. He was Joe from Scranton, Joey as his father used to call him.

Well, that was then or before he added the admiral to his staff.  Let's meet Admiral Rachel Levine:

Admiral Rachel Levine, the Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has declared, as Pride month is coming to an end, that it should be a “Summer of Pride.”

“Happy Pride! Happy Pride Month, and actually -- let’s declare it a summer of Pride. Happy Summer of Pride.”

Let me remind you that Rachel is actually a man, and not really an admiral.  Who cares about gender and title anyway?  Who cares what Americans think about all this?  

According to Rasmussen Reports, most Americans are not ready for Rachel's Summer of Pride: "71% of American Adults agree with the statement that “there are two genders, male and female,” including 57% who Strongly Agree."

It does not sound like the Moderate and his Admiral are promoting a very moderate position.  What these numbers are telling me is that Americans are tolerant of sexual orientation as long as you stay away from our school-age children or push it in our face every time we turn on the TV.

We were misled about all the moderate stuff. I guess nobody in the media was serious about asking him about it when he was hiding in the basement.

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