Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The famous syndrome hit Twitter bad

 (My new American Thinker post)

Remember Trump Derangement Syndrome?  It's still alive and well.  Some people need it like some people use nicotine or other addictions.  After reading some of the batches about Twitter dumping the former president, it was obvious that the syndrome was really rocking and rolling over at Twitter’s offices over the last few years.  Check this out:    

The disclosures, given to former New York Times writer Bari Weiss, reveal that members of Twitter’s Trust & Safety department did not believe that the former President violated any rules on the day that he was banned, only for this determination to be overruled following an intervention by arch-progressive Vijaya Gadde.   

The disclosures also reveal that CEO Jack Dorsey was involved in the decision to suspend Trump’s account, putting an end to longstanding rumors that Gadde had taken the decision herself while Dorsey was on vacation and unreachable.  But these employees were drowned out by a louder chorus, which demanded, among other things, that Twitter should view Trump as the “leader of a terrorist group.”

Trump the leader of a terrorist group?  What about the government of Iran or their explanations of attacks on citizens marching in the streets?  The leader of Iran uses his Twitter accounts to promote hate and incite violence and disinformation of every type, i.e. calling their citizens terrorists for marching in the streets. One way or another, the management at Twitter had no issues with any these awful messages.   

Thanks to Elon Musk for opening the door and letting the sunshine in.  On one hand, I'm not surprised that this crowd of leftists wanted President Trump defeated.  On the other hand, it's hard to believe that not a single adult in the room noticed the hypocrisy of dumping Trump and leaving Iran’s Khamenei in. I guess that's what happens when the syndrome is in you!

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.