Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Bye bye Beto, Beto goodbye

 (My new American Thinker)

Who knew that I'd remember Frankie Valli on election day?   Frankie and the guys did record "Bye bye baby" and it's time turn up the volume and say "Bye bye Beto, Beto goodbye."

Texas will call strike three and send Beto O'Rourke back to the minors.   

Believe it or not, Texas Democrats will thank us quietly.  I'm not sure that they like him any more than we do.  Furthermore, they need to move away from people like Beto if they want to grow in Texas.

"Beto-ism" is everything wrong with today's Democrats.   This is from Ben Domenech:  

Democrats across the country should be grateful for what Republicans are about to do: rid them of a nagging disease known as Betoism.

Beto O'Rourke, the erstwhile congressman from El Paso, Texas, who has far more glossy national magazine profiles than winning campaigns, is about to go down to defeat in his attempt to unseat centrist conservative Governor Greg Abbott. Abbott is a popular governor and quite capable in his own right of popping wheelies over most Democrats.

A few days ago, a Democrat mentioned to me the obvious question:   Why did we nominate another liberal for governor?   My Democrat friend knows Texas better than Beto O'Rourke does.

In the end, Beto could not escape all of those remarks about expropriating the AR-15s or that fellow named Biden in the Oval Office.   Every TV ad from Beto's rival, GOP Gov. Greg Abbott, featured one of "Beto's greatest hits" from his failed 2020 campaign and ended with a reminder that Beto is Biden.

On issues, O'Rourke does not understand that parents want more control over their kids' education.   He is all about public education but the parents want more than that.   On the power grid, a vulnerability for the governor, he does not explain how green energy is going to run one of the largest GDPs in the world.  On abortion, he wants "Roe" back but that was overturned last June.   

Getting rid of the likes of Beto may open the door for a future Democrat who understands that this is Texas not San Francisco.  I'd bet you that there are lots of Democrats who agree with that.