Wednesday, July 13, 2022

At least she did not call us ‘burritos’

 (My new American Thinker post)

Okay -- the First Lady is not a racist and she did not mean to insult anybody.  Her problem is that she is a Democrat kneeling at the altar of the wokies, the wing of the party obsessed with your identity, not the content of your character.

As you know, Jill Biden was in San Antonio doing a little "outreach" to the Hispanic community. Here's what she thinks of as outreach:  

“Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community, as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength..."

Jill thinks of Latins as "tacos." By the way, Raul is UnidosUS President Raul Yzaguirre. I should add that I debated a member of that group on TV earlier this year. I don't think that UnidosUS represents the diversity in the Hispanic community. It is a left-wing group. Was recently elected Representative Mayra Flores invited to speak? How about our Hispanic U.S. senator Ted Cruz?  Did any speaker make a case for school choice? What about the Biden border crisis?

So the First Lady was speaking to a left wing group and decided to get cute or pander with a joke that only a liberal would laugh at.

Time will pass and everyone will forget the "taco moment."  What we cannot forget is how out of touch with reality this White House is. Maybe she would been better off praising the real diversity in the Hispanic community or the growing opposition to her husband's policies.

I close with a sign of hope.  She did not say that we were as diverse as "burritos." For many Hispanics, a burrito is the offspring of the burro, a dish in Tex-Mex fast-food restaurants and what your mom called you when you did something stupid. ("Dios mio, que burrito.")

P.S,  Check out  my videos  and posts.