Monday, March 07, 2022

Happy # 62 Joe Carter

We say happy birthday to Joe Carter, who was born in Oklahoma City on this day in 1960.

Most of us remember Joe Carter for that home run that clinched the 1993 World Series for Toronto.  It was sweet!   

However, his career was a lot more than that.   

In other words, Joe Carter was one of the best hitters of his time: .259 batting average, 2.184 hits, 396 HR & 1,445 RBI.

Carter broke with the Cubs in 1983 then spent 6 productive years with Cleveland:  Led the AL in RBI with 121 in 1986.  

He moved to Toronto in 1991 and had some great years, such as 842 RBI in 8 seasons.

Great player!

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