Sunday, October 12, 1980

Columbus Day and the story of “El Indio Hatuey”!

Another year and more reasons to remember Columbus, or "Colon" as we say in Spanish.

One of those reasons is that he set foot on Cuba 2 weeks later or October 28.   

Columbus and his crew moved on to Florida or the future US state.  He eventually headed back to Spain in January 1493.

Columbus was looking for a new route to India, found Cuba by accident and subsequently made "El indio Hatuey" a historical icon!   

As you may remember, Hatuey fought the Spanish and was burned to death.

"Hatuey" also became the face of one of Cuba's favorite drinks, or "Malta Hatuey".

Think about this story the next time you are having a "malta" with a Cuban sandwich or some of those "croquetas".
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