Saturday, October 20, 1973

1973: What they called "The Saturday night massacre"

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Back in October 1973, the A's and Mets were playing a very good World Series.  

By evening, it was all about the Nixon White House.   As I recall, the 3 networks went on "alert" to report on the firings at The White House.    

It started when President Nixon told Attorney General Richardson to fire Watergate prosecutor Archibald Fox. AG Richardson resigned in protest.   Deputy Attorney General Ruckelshaus resigned too.   

So President Nixon went down the chain of command and Solicitor General Robert Bork fired Mr. Cox.    (We would hear Bork's name again in 1987 when he was nominated by President Reagan to The Supreme Court.  We now use the word "Borking" when an opponent is attacked in every possible way)

It became "The Saturday Night Massacre".   However, no one got killed and President Nixon had the authority to fire the Watergate prosecutor.   

Archibald Cox was eventually replaced by Leon Jaworski.  He resumed the investigation and Nixon resigned the presidency on August 8, 1974.

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