Thursday, July 18, 2019

The kind of Mexico I remember

Image result for caravans mexico images
Over the last year, I’ve posted here that many of my friends in Mexico were shocked with their country’s tolerance of illegal immigration.
In other words, the Mexico that I remember was brutal, and I mean brutal, with anyone crossing its southern border.  
Often, Central Americans have pointed out that they were scared to death crossing Mexico.  I recall a young woman who said that she and her friends were sure that they’d be raped crossing Mexico.   Thankfully, this group of young women was not but their fears were legitimate.
Here comes a poll from south of the border, a joint venture between the Washington Post and Reforma from Mexico City:    
More than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans. 
A 55 percent majority supports deporting migrants who travel through Mexico to reach the United States.
Those findings defy the perception that Mexico — a country that has sent millions of its own migrants to the United States, sending billions of dollars in remittances — is sympathetic to the surge of Central Americans. 
Instead, the data suggests Mexicans have turned against the migrants transiting through their own country, expressing antipathy that would be familiar to many supporters of President Trump north of the border. 
Who knew that MAGA is now MMGA or Make Mexico great again?
The results of this poll are not surprising to any of us who know the country.  In my case, I worked with a U.S. company in Mexico City years ago.
Mexicans have often told me that they need to send their people north and Central Americans would only compete with them up there.  It’s sort of like it’s okay for us and not for them!
So here we are.  After a few caravans, Central Americans are seeing the Mexico that we’ve known all of these years.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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